Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Todo Tranquilo

Hey Everyone,
So I know I have not written in a VERY long time. Sorry about that! The internet I have isn’t great but I promise I will be better once I am officially in my house. Speaking of my house it is coming along POR FIN (finally). The house is big but I will only be using one room and I am excited because I am going to have a modern bathroom WOOT WOOT! Hot showers for Victoria! Especialmente porque it is fall here and winter is on its way. I like my neighbors so that is all good. I won’t say I have a true community because it is an island and the only time people really meet up is for meetings for the committee which I go to. They are very interesting and I think good change could be in the works! Lets hope so.
This past month I went to Asuncion and saw Shakira which was AWESOME she was great and worth every guarani. Jose and I went with a bunch of other volunteers and had a good time.
I bought my first official thing for my house (besides the materials) it is a fan and a heck of a good one. The community wanted me to have air conditioning…because they assumed I am American and I would want that…that would make me the only person on the island to have A/C….Wrong! I don’t think so. I survived a whole summer without it and I can do it again. I promise I am taking pictures throughout the whole process to show everyone. I have been working my butt off on the yuyos (more less weeds in this context) I have cleaned out a lot in order to hopefully soon setup my huerta (garden). I have banana trees and lemon trees (YA! Seriously lemon cures everything and makes lots of things taste better, it is practically my new best friend). I also have this tree called Sabel that everyone is going to want the leaves from because it is really good in mate so I am very excited about that as well! I still need to buy an electric oven, a mattress and the FRIDGE! But I am working on it. I have Jose to help me which honestly he makes my life SO much easier and happier haha J Speaking of Jose, things are great. I wish you all could meet him!
I have a kitten now, named Rio because I live in the Rio Paraguay. He is SUPER tiny and way too little to be away from his mom but I am hoping he will make it. I have only had him for about 6 days so far he is doing really well minus the CONSTANT meowing haha and the fact that I have to get up at 5:30 every day to feed him. He eats all day long so I guess that is a good sign too..we will see.
Besides that, not too much is going on. Working on my families compost and talking to people about Bees. Hopefully after winter I can get some Charlas (speeches) going for the committee and get people more interested in Bees. My brother here on the island is interested so that is a start. Also in May I will be working on getting my contact/host mom a anaerobic biodigestor for her  pigs so she can have free gas. That project might spread throughout the community as well because a lot of people are interested.
But for now I am living with my family helping them with normal everyday things and talking to them about projects and working on getting my house ready.
Everything is good here in Paraguay. I miss you all A LOT! I think about you all, all the time. I’m pretty sure I have told Jose so many stories that he could write a book. But he loves listening to my family stories he is usually is laughing by the end.
 I would also like to say hi to Granddaddy and Grandma since I know they read this! LOVE you both A LOT. Granddaddy I talk about you all the time to Paraguayans when I talk about bees.  J Grandma..I may attempt to make chicken and dumplings one day here for my family..Not sure. I am a little nervous about it haha! But If I do I  promise to take pictures to show you J
Love you all miss you all,
I will try to upload pictures soon!
<3 Caitlin Victoria
Ps. My whole family enjoys saying "What?" to me now..because apparently I say it alot haha