Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"I can't believe you are leaving!"

Well believe it! Although sometimes I am finding it hard to believe myself. This past Labor Day weekend I spent some time organizing (by this I mean "grouping") all the items I have that will be going with me. Let's just say I am far from being done...Lucky I still have some time!

These past couple weeks have been interesting. I have felt confident about my impending journey to Paraguay but I think never as confident as I have felt today.

Sure I get sad thinking about the family and friends I am leaving behind but what is important is the support. I am seriously at a loss as to how PCV can handle preparing for such a trip without that extra boost of love from family and friends! I think these past couple of weeks have been testing me to prove to myself that this journey is what I really want deep down...Once again I have answered yes..

I spent time reflecting on how it all started...

I had been thinking about joining PC since I was in high school and learned what it was all about. I always thought it would be a great thing to participate in and hopefully make a difference even if it is a small one...

In college I had thought about the idea a couple of times. I even went to a meeting at the International Center on campus just to see if it was something I really wanted to pursue... I wasn't sure yet about whether this volunteer life was for me...but I figured that if this was something I was meant to do...then there would be a sign...

Well, I would sure call it a sign....Amy (my wonderful PC recruiter at UF) came into one of my classes (the one I hated the most in my whole college career by the way) to speak to FRE (Food Res. Econ) kids about how there were many opportunities for AgBusiness. She explained what a great opportunity especially for us to utilize our degrees to  expand our cultural knowledge, to be a part of something bigger than ourselves and to really try to make a difference...let's just say I was sold!

After that I setup a meeting with Amy and the rest is history...Even through all the worrying and anxiousness of the many various steps...I MADE IT! 

Paraguay PCT September 2010
Beekeeping Extension

This is where I am suppose to be in my life. This is where I am meant to go. :)


  1. Soooooooo now you are officially gone and have turned off your cell phone... and I have basically stopped producing tears... wait, no. Apparently I have more. I just wanted to say that I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooo much and I can't wait to Skype with you!!!! And you better Skype me as soon as possible (although I think I can deal with Mom and Dad first. Maybe even Britt lol)!!!! I will leave my Skype up whenever I am at home so you will know when I'm here. I want lots of postcards! With pretty pictures on them and maybe a couple pics of you every now and then.

    Love, Chicken!!!

    Ps. I'm crying again.

  2. Whoops. One more thing. I already miss you!

  3. GINGY!!! Please update this... I miss you so freaking much, you FREAK!
